Finally launched new release of Comparator Fast for Windows. The new version include a Repeated Files detection (cloned files).
Repeated files are "cloned" files:
· by Name: are files with same names on different folders (maybe Duplicates).
· by Size: are files with same size on same or different folders. In some situations and jobs, a file with same size may be considered a repeated file. But you need to make sure this works for you, because some files may have the same size but are not repeated files (files with same size, but different content).
· by Content: this process takes more time but it is the only way to ensure a file is repeated (or "cloned") in same folder or other folder(s). Using this method you may be surprised found files with different name or repeated across different folders, but are the same file. This may apply for MP3 files, Movies, Documents, etc. Example: you may have the files "C:\MP3s\Top Ten.mp3" and "C:\MP3\American Idol\American Idol's last hit.mp3", both are really the same file (same content) but are repeated across 2 folders: "C:\MP3s" and "C:\MP3s\American Idol". This consumes more disk space and with thousands of files you may loose more time. The analysis by content is based on a hash code, unique for each file based on content. The common hash used is CRC32. It produces an unique "code" for each file, if two or more files have the same CRC32, are the same files no matter file name or location.
If you need to look for Repeated Files on multiple subfolders from a root folder, just set the root folder as Source and choose the subfolders to scan. For example: to perform a scan for Repeated Files on "c:\tmp", "c:\books", "c:\downloads", just set the "c:\" as Source and choose subfolders Tmp, Books and Downloads.
Also includes a new help system, and an easy to use and quick Rename Files tool.
Rename Files* is an easy to use tools. Allows to mass rename several files at once.
When you enter to this option, you'll get a "Select files" dialog to select one or multiple files to rename (if you don't like this behavior, just disable the "Ask Files on Start" option in Settings tab).
You may drag and drop files from Windows Explorer (or compatible program) to Rename Files window. All dropped files are added to list, if a subfolder is included and "Recurse Subfolders" option is checked, all subfolders contents are added too.