Handled issue with Microsoft Office's clipboard
New release of Network Clipboard and Viewer, will handle an issue with Microsoft Office's clipboard manager (this is not a Network Clipboard's issue).
If you launch Microsoft Word and select any text and use the Copy to clipboard, a strange behavior occurs if you have a clipboard viewer running: an OLE bookmark is generated about that text. This can be easily detected if View Bookmarks is enabled on Microsoft Word (check the box at Tools>Options>View>Show>Bookmarks). This only happens if you are running a clipboard viewer software that scans all clipboard formats when a change is detected (like Network Clipboard and Viewer does, same as the Microsoft's Clipboard Viewer Start>Run>ClipBrd.exe).
Clipboard Monitor included in Network Clipboard and Viewer, now includes two new Advanced Settings (Options>Preferences>Advanced Settings>Clipboard Monitor):
* Ignore formats.
* List of formats to ignore, one per line.
If you found new problematic formats, please let me know. This new configuration is flexible and does not require for an update if a new problematic format is found, just need to add it to the list of clipboard format's to ignore.
Unfortunately, when a clipboard format is ignored, there is no way to access that clipboard format's properties so the size for ignored formats will be displayed as zero-size, but this is not real. A simple command to get the clipboard format's size, will cause this strange behavior on Microsoft Word.
This release also disables by default generating Own Clipboard Format for Clipboard Monitor, because generates issues with Microsoft Excel when cells are selected and the clipboard contents change (if you have a previous release, you may need to disable this manually, ensure option Options>Preferences>Advanced Settings>Clipboard Monitor>Disable own format is checked).
Thanks to Tim W.